Today, my family and I went to the International Antarctic Centre, where we saw huskies, penguins, and Antarctic sleds. We visited a 4D theatre, an interactive science room, and a storm simulation room. It was amazing, but sadly I can’t write about ALL of it.

The first thing that we did was go into a storm simulation room. It was -8º Celsius inside and very windy. It was trying to imitate the same weather that they get down in Antarctica. You would think that we would have to suit up so much, but we only had to slip covers on our feet and it was optional to wear a winter coat. When we came out of the simulation room, we stuck our hands into arctic waters. It was numbing! It felt like I was sticking my hand into a bucket of ice water. 🥶 I, for one, am never going to Antarctica.

After that, we went to the 4D theatre. We watched the short film called “Ice Voyage.” It was filmed especially for this theatre. It was filmed in the Antarctic and parts of South Georgia. It was really cool, and so were the special effects. We wore 3D glasses, and it looked like a bird was pooping on us. But, it felt even more realistic because at the same time we got spritzed by water! Another time, we were looking at icicles, and one of them dropped and it looked like it was going to pierce through our stomachs. The last special effect was when we sailed through the Drake Sea, the roughest waters in the world. Our whole seats moved up and down with the waves and we got splashed, while at the same time, getting grabbed by things at our legs. 🕶

The last thing that we did was visit the little blue penguins. All of the penguins at this centre are rescues. Some of them have half-paralyzed flippers, so they can’t swim. Other penguins were abandoned by their parental units. We got there just in time for the feeding, and it was so cool. Some of them dove in the water to catch fish and others got hand fed. One of the penguins, who had a FEAR OF WATER, fell in! 😁

The museum was really cool and fun, so you should definitely come and visit it.



