When we were planning our time in France, the Head of the France Committee (a.k.a. Reese) assigned me to help organize a lavender day! From Aix-En-Provence (where we were staying) we would drive to a nearby area to enjoy lavender in its prime blooming time! I spent an afternoon researching the best places to see lavender and this one place kept coming up again: the Valensole Plateau. 

We ended up going to Valensole, and I have to say, it was a success!! We left fairly early in the morning and drove until we saw the dull fields transform into blooming oceans of lavender. Really, we could see lavender as far as the eye can see! The rolling hills were covered in purple and the bees were humming loudly around us as we skipped through the radiant full fields.

We drove on one main road and stopped at two lavender fields; Lavandes Angelvin and Domaine Les Grandes Marges

We stopped first at Lavandes Angelvin, a beautiful family owned lavender farm recommended by many travel blogs and websites. Next, we visited Domaine Les Grandes Marges, where we tasted lavender ice cream! It was so good and creamy and the addition of actual lavender was a nice touch. We purchased lavender syrup to bring home so we can make lavender lemonades. We drank one at Bridestowe Lavender Estate in Tasmania and have been dreaming about them ever since.

I absolutely loved our lavender day! It is something that I will remember forever.




NICE is nice!