Before we left on this trip, I wanted to write a daily mantra, one that we would recite every morning on our journey this year. In my mind, it would be like a prayer, it would reflect our hopes and wishes, and it would include something that was important to each of us. It also needed to be short and sweet, so that we could actually remember the words.

To write our mantra, I started by asking each person individually what they wished for most.

Reese wishes to be safe. I was stunned by her answer. I thought her wish would be something about macaroons on the Eiffel Tower, but our littlest traveler just wants to make sure we stay safe. It made me think about this trip from her perspective; she is putting all of her trust in us as she puts her hand in ours and follows wherever we lead.

When I asked Harper what she wished for most, she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I just want to learn more stuff.” With her approval, we edited that to “be curious.” When we go on tours or hikes, and when we meet new people, we want to ask questions, understand the reasons why and how, and “just learn more stuff” along the way. 

Chris wants to be present. He is the one who has planned the lion’s share of our trip, booking flights and accommodations, keeping track of all the requisite paperwork for tours, visas, transfers, and tickets. As such, it is easy for him to get mired in the details. He wants our daily mantra to be a reminder to be present and to appreciate what we are experiencing in the moment, rather than planning for the next stop.

Sadie wishes for all of us to be open — open-minded and open-hearted. As she is becoming more aware of how closed mindedness leads to injustices, inequities, and broken hearts, and truly doesn’t understand why it has to be that way, she wants us to be open. We want to experience diverse cultures, traditions, and foods that are completely new to us. (Especially foods — have you picked up on that from Sadie?!) We want to soak it all in. We know we will be better for it.

As for me, I want to remind us — every day — to be grateful. Grateful for the memories we are making as our family of five, before the next chapters begin and our family dynamic and composition changes. Grateful that we have the means to go on this trip of a lifetime. Grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow and give back. And grateful that we have friends and family following along on our journey, and keeping us in their prayers. 

And so, every day, we recite our family mantra:

Be safe.

Be curious.

Be present.

Be open. 

Be grateful.


