On our first day in Sydney, we went on an amazing boat ride in Sydney harbor! The McKeons are wonderful family friends who live in Sydney. They invited us over to their house for dinner yesterday, and Andy generously took us out on their boat the day before. 

The Sydney Harbor is so big that we only got to see and experience about 10% of it during our four hour boat ride! The harbor splits off in many directions forming many little streams and rivers. Sailing is a huge part of peoples lives here in Sydney and you will understand that as soon as you get to see the harbor. Wherever you look in the harbor you will always see sailboats from your vantage point. You could also see neighborhoods lining the coast of the harbor, with homes, schools, and restaurants. The houses were breathtaking. You could only imagine what amazing views they must get! 

We also were lucky enough to see the two most famous structures in Sydney: the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. We were so close to the Opera House that it felt we were in it, and we went right under the Bridge. I got amazing photos from the boat!

We are so lucky to have such great friends who provided us with a delicious meal and a magnificent boat ride. This is something that we will keep with us forever. Thank you so much to the McKeons!


