xochimilco BOATS

On our last afternoon in Mexico City, we went to the Xochimilo canals to go on what we called “Bonkers Boats.” We called them bonkers boats because everything was bonkers. The colors were bright and vibrant, the noise was loud and cheerful, and it was crazy! 

My family and I went on a boat called Maria Elena and our helmsman was named Remundo. We got drinks and flower headbands on the boat. As we were riding people on other boats would come up to us and try to sell us something. 

There were also a ton of other boats on the water so we would bonk into other boats as we were cruising along. Everyone was having fun and dancing along to the mariachi bands the whole time.

So, if you ever come to Mexico City you should definitely decide to go on a bonkers boat. You will love it. 



trip to the grocery store


Cafe Nin Vs. Cafe Croasán