Welcome to Bali

I was in the middle seat and Harper was in the window seat. The pilot announced we would be starting our descent. As soon as he said that, I loosened my seat belt and leaned over Harper to look out the window. I was clearly annoying her, but I just couldn’t contain my excitement. We were going to Bali! 

As soon as I saw the first glimpse of land, I squealed VERY loudly. Everyone within earshot turned to look our way to see what the commotion was about! I just couldn’t take enough pictures out the window. I could see the bright blue water splashing up on rocks by the shore below us, and the pink and orange skies over mainland Bali. 

This part of the trip is so special because my middle name is Sayan, a neighborhood in Ubud, Bali. My parents stayed in Sayan on their honeymoon and my Dad really wanted my middle name to be Sayan. Because of my name, I always felt like I had a special connection and I was destined to visit. After hearing all about Bali from my parents (and the internet), I was so happy to finally be here. 

After we landed, got our luggage and went through immigration, we walked outside to the taxi stands. Many drivers were holding signs with travelers’ names. I was looking for a sign with my Dad’s name, but instead, I spotted a sign that read, “Sadie Sayan Noonan.” At first I thought it was a coincidence, until I turned around and saw my whole family smiling at me. This was such a nice surprise because usually it is always my dad’s name on the sign and I had absolutely no idea it would be my name! 

We plan to spend a total of two weeks in and around Bali, first in Seminyak, then Gili Islands, and finally, in Ubud. In my opinion, there will not be enough time here!! While in these three destinations we will do many different activities, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming, surfing, biking through rice paddies, visiting temples, participating in a Batik art class, and seeing a traditional balinese dance. 

A lot of you might be thinking, “Oh no! They are going to Bali during the rainy season; it’s going to be rainy the entire time and they won’t be able to do anything!” I don’t mean to be rude, but you are absolutely wrong! So far we have had sunny days and blue skies, and then epic thunderstorms during the evening, which bring cooler temperatures. Additionally, there are many perks to visiting Bali during the rainy season, such as fewer crowds, an increased likelihood to see marine life while scuba diving and snorkeling, and the most beautiful and otherworldly sunsets! The sky will light up in amazing pinks, oranges, yellows, and even reds.  

We have already spent time in Seminyak and Gili, which means we are already almost halfway done with our time in Bali! Nooo! We will all be writing throughout our time in here, and I am super excited to keep exploring Bali!


