One year ago today, we woke very early, quietly slipped out of Babbo’s house, and loaded five pieces of luggage into the car. We drove to JFK while it was still dark, and checked into our one-way flight. The airport was quiet and its inhabitants were mostly still as everyone seemingly appreciated how early it was. 

We waited by our gate as the sun rose and spilled its soft light through the windows. I remember TVs breaking the silence with the morning news, reporting of unrest in the world and a lingering pandemic. I took deep breaths. All of a sudden, although it was almost a year in the works, we were leaving. We left our jobs and our schools, we left our house to renters, and we left our friends and family. It was unsettling, and I found myself inwardly questioning if we we made the right decisions while outwardly smiling at the girls and feigning excitement about tasting churros in Mexico. 

When we returned to Babbo’s house nearly one year later, we saw the Kindness Rocks we painted prominently displayed in his front yard. A bright red rock stood out to me: You will never regret being brave.

That’s the message I thought I needed at the airport, when I was musing that there’s a fine line between being brave and being reckless. But it’s the message the universe gave me upon our return, as a reassurance that all of our planning, hard work, and giant leaps outside our comfort zones was, in fact, bravery. 

I outwardly smiled. Well played, universe.

Our bravery led us around the world, bringing us incredible experiences, teaching us more than we could have ever imagined, and gifting us memories that we will cherish for a lifetime. We have no regrets.

Let’s always be brave. xo.
